Imagine An Utopia

Kamrul Hassan
3 min readOct 14, 2021
Utopia VS Dystopia

Jaded Future

Modern humans are jaded. We no longer invasion a utopia. All our imagination and artistic resources indicate that we are expecting a dystopia in the future. Look at Blade Runner 2049, Cyberpunk 77, MAD MAX, Terminator, etc. The opposite of dystopia is utopia. Try finding movies where its set in a utopia. It can be argued that for movies, dystopias are a better setting, in that case, look at the modern world.

Inequalities Even in First World

The majority of teenagers and college-aged students are cynical about the future. Rent is higher than it was ever in history, global warming is a problem WE will have to deal with, college degrees are worth less than a diploma from the past, wages are lower than ever, the minimum wage is still not 15$ nationwide, the wage gap is higher than ever, top 1% is richer than the bottom 90%. According to “The top 1% of Americans have a combined net worth of $34.2 trillion (or 30.4% of all household wealth in the U.S.), while the bottom 50% of the population holds just $2.1 trillion combined (or 1.9% of all wealth)” (2021). The top 1% majority of all money. This should not be the case, it should be more evenly amongst the population.

Its obvious why we are cynical. But we are still the future and we have the power to change the future. To do that, we have to, and I mean have to help our other half of the world who are suffering to a survival level. More than 1 billion people don’t have proper sanitation and bathrooms and about 3 billion people are suffering from hunger, starvation, disease, famine, lack of proper sanitation, etc. They have lower lifespans and higher chances of getting diseases. They are too busy fixing how not to die the next day, they are not worried about education.

Shining City in the Stars

If they had the survival situation fixed, they could focus on education and start contributing towards the total human output level. We can be in living on another planet by now with the contribution of those that are currently suffering. Imagine a city in the stars.

Envisioned Future Mars Base

Imagine the possibilities with double the human output. If you’re a car person, imagine the faster car you can think of. Now imagine what that car would be like in 100 years. We can possibly have cars travel faster than light, is that theoretically possible with our current knowledge? No. BUT IMAGINE if we found loopholes to our current physics with double our current potential.

Hope From Current Generation

My fellow student Alex Purchick has hope for the future. During an interview where I asked him “do you have hopes of change in the future?”, he responded with “I do have hope for the future, I hope that majority of the current poor countries will prevail within the next 50 years and even thrive”.

Alex has Medium blogs where he writes about challenges that developing countries face and solutions. Alex writes “I believe achieving this one goal will aid in the process of fulfilling many other goals of the United Nations. They include diminishing poverty and hunger, ensuring healthy lives, establishing quality education for all, creating viable clean water and sanitation systems, sparking economic growth, and providing sustainable communities and cities” (2021, June 29). Alex wishes that current rich countries help the developing ones, by doing so, the developing countries will benefit and the rich countries will also benefit. He sees how helping others will eventually result in helping everyone.

Have hope for the future, dream of change, strive towards that change.

Beer, T. (2021, June 29). Top 1% of U.S. households hold 15 times more wealth than bottom 50% combined. Forbes. Retrieved October 14, 2021, from

Purchick, A. (2021, October 14). Turning developing countries into advanced economies. Medium. Retrieved October 14, 2021, from



Kamrul Hassan

Diseases are rampant in third-world countries because of a lack of places to defecate. This can cause dangerous diseases that affect us in other countries!